
In a room that screams with time past, the artist has traced the very silent passage of time through light and shadow. She has followed the wandering shadow with paper strips and has woven a cloth that then, hung, creates its own dance with light and shadow.

Der Himmel der gleiche

Abbildung Der Himmel der gleiche

Der Himmel der Gleiche is a continuing series, again and again the artist returns to this theme. At moments a clear line contains the horizon, at others the blue of the sky pours over the whole sheet.

Carte Blanche

Abbildung Carte Blanche Installation

With the installation Get your Sequence Katharina Stumm presents her diploma exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, class of Gregor Hildebrandt. The expansive paper work spans from the ceiling as a woven open space. The different heights of the fragile walls blowing in the wind open ephemeral accessways. On an adjacent bench are five books representing an archive of over 1000 postcards sent by the artist to friends and acquaintances in the period from April 27, 2015 to July 7, 2019.

Mediterranean to modern

From a book about architecture of the 50s in California, “Meditarranean to modern”, the motifs are selected and extracted. While dreaming of the beautiful places, the Mediterranean can be brought to California and yet the places are always to be seen differently, is not the place, the architecture decisive. Katharina Stumm intervened, made trips and in the end packed the spatial into a portable two dimensional image.
It remains the idea of architecture, the idea of space but as in a dream, slightly changed, a skepticism about reality arises, how bewitched it feels


Ernst Jandl’s life, from childhood to old age, captured in pictures. Selected motifs from the illustrated biography “a komma punkt ernst jandl – Ein Leben in Texten und Bildern” are reworked through chalk and ink interventions. New texts without words are created, “JandlKommaStumm”.

Get your Sequence

Abbildung Carte Blanche Buch

With Get your sequence you regularly receive an individually designed postcard in your mailbox, each a unique piece. Here is a selection of cards sent.