The artist captured details of what is, from her point of view, at one time, on the surface. Once what can be seen inside, once the reflection of what is on the outside. The change of perspective creates abstract images that continue to carry all the dimensions of a window.
Each form is comprehensible, but none has an inherent truth.
The exhibition of Katharina Stumm constitutes a genius commentary regarding the space of the Side-way Stoa, because she attempts to utter an iconological viewpoint as to what is going on, especially when a passer-by walks around this area.
Her inspiration is based on the fact that the vast glass openings create a factual boundary between the inside and the outside. In other words, she renders them as a borderline demarcation that can signify an unusual framework of dialogue, which is not only about the interior part of the space, but the reflections of the outer space as well.
Furthermore, Katharina Stumm suggests us to view certain things differently, and while she is in charge of the exhibition, she allows us to see how a non-exhibition can be a show of what is going on.
The installation that she took the pains to present to us, invite everyone to verify, via her ephemeral draughtmanship, what exactly takes place, suggesting the specific potential this exhibition place has.
Finally, one could possibly argue that a dialogue has immense symbolic conditions, which allow us to understand specific issues better than we thought of.
By the artist’s own way, we are able to conceive that the interior space, along with the ambivalent components that exist, as well as the sculptural possibilities that the mezzanine staircases have, not to mention the protective infrastructure, do, in fact, create a different context.
It is here that the selective representations of Katharina Stumm provoke us to contemplate.
Katharina Stumm,
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